シングルB細胞スクリーニング(Single B Cell Screening)は、特異的なモノクローナル抗体(mAb)を作製するための強力な技術です。この方法は、ハイスループットプラットフォームと統合され、抗体分泌の効率的な検出とリードクローンの迅速な同定を可能にし、抗体の開発、ワクチン設計、および標的治療の開発を加速します。シングルB細胞は、わずかな細胞数で特異的なmAbを迅速に得るための高い効率を維持しつつ、その単純さが利点とされています。1
Biointronは、抗体作製を加速するためのハイスループット・シングルB細胞スクリーニング(Single B Cell Screening)・プラットフォームを構築しています。このプラットフォームを使用すると、免疫動物から採取した2*106個のプラズマB細胞を1回のスクリーニングで処理でき、特異的な抗原に対する抗体を分泌する細胞を単離することも可能です。これにより、非常に希少な抗体や、ユニークな性質を持つ潜在的な薬物を検出することができるようになりました。
62 mAbs were expressed. 59 have ELISA binding activity.
53 Abs have higher affinity compared with positive control
Ligand | 1:1 binding ka (1/Ms) | kd (1/s) | KD (M) |
Ab1 | 4.26E+05 | 1.78E-04 | 4.18E-10 |
Ab2 | 4.37E+05 | 1.86E-04 | 4.25E-10 |
Ab3 | 3.67E+05 | 1.76E-04 | 4.80E-10 |
Ab4 | 2.27E+05 | 1.12E-04 | 4.92E-10 |
…… | …… | …… | …… |
Positive control | 2.46E+05 | 1.48E-03 | 6.01E-09 |
Ab54 | 1.90E+05 | 1.59E-03 | 8.38E-09 |
…… | …… | …… | …… |
Ab59 | 1.00E+05 | 2.14E-03 | 2.14E-08 |
We analyzed the diversity of CDR sequences of the light and heavy chains of 59 Antibodies and showed good diversity.
Epitope binning of all antibodies and found these hits can mainly be divided into 4 epitope groups.
B6924 and B2014 are positive controls. The result showed that we have identified many antibodies binding to distinct epitopes on PD-1 compared to controls.
70 IgGs were expressed. Binding Results (ELISA, 45 IgGs)
6 samples were picked and cell-based blocking assay was conducted.
No. | IC50 | maximum inhibition rate |
Sample1 | 6.62 | 90.96% |
Sample2 | 5.91 | 90.14% |
Sample3 | 84.88 | 87.33% |
Sample4 | 11.18 | 85.69% |
Sample5 | 32.21 | 87.77% |
Sample6 | 52.85 | 80.63% |
Positive Control | 329.2 | / |
The method that Biointron uses is a microfluidic-based platform. This allows us to analyze individual B cells and their antibody repertoires with high throughput and precision. It involves miniaturized channels and chambers on a microchip, where single B cells are captured and isolated. We can perform various analyses on each cell, including gene sequencing, functional assays, and phenotypic characterization.
There are several other methods for Single B Cell Screening, such as:
The project lead time is much faster than hybridoma or phage display methods, being 3 months rather than 6 months and 5 months, respectively. The library size is larger than hybridoma methods, and the Single B Cell platform uses natural binding and a highly automatic process control.