ラージスケール抗体生産 ラージスケール抗体生産


Large Scale Antibody Production
  • 安定性
  • ハイスループット
  • 短納期: 2-4週間


Biointronの大規模生産サービスでは、数週間でミリグラムからグラムレベルのリコンビナント抗体またはタンパク質の拡大生産を提供しています。これは、in vitro研究、in vivo動物研究、または臨床前試験を含むさまざまな用途に必要とされます。






  • 単一バッチに由来
  • 高水準の品質管理 ( 低エンドトキシン、SDS-PAGEとSEC-HPLC検出)


  • 大規模生産能力 (数百グラムレベル)
  • 短納期(2~4週間)


  • トランジェント発現
  • 安定細胞プール
  • 安定細胞株


Global Standards
Global Standards
Global Standards
Global Standards


ステップ Service 作業時間 納品
  • コドン最適化と遺伝子合成
  • 発現ベクターへのサブクローニング
  • プラスミド増幅と調製
  • GOIを含む発現プラスミド
  • 精製された抗体/タンパク質
  • CoAレポート
  • 哺乳類細胞のトランスフェクション
  • パイロット評価
  • QC分析
  • マキシプラスミドの調製
  • トランスフェクションおよび発現
  • QC分析


  • Production of 1.97 gram Antibody (Mouse IgG2a)

    Protein Marker

    M:Protein Marker

    R: Reducing


    Detector A Channel 2 280nm

    Production of 1.97gram Antibody (Mouse lgG2a)

    Yield:288.12 mg/L,SDS-Page>95%, SEC-HPLC>99%

“If you require industrial levels of antibody production, our large-scale service is for you. You can rely on us to ensure consistency and quality across all antibodies.”
Hao Jiang
Hao Jiang
Antibody Production Team

Project Management

Our dedicated Biointron project management team assumes the crucial responsibility of being the official contact for the customer's project, ensuring its seamless development. As the primary point of communication, the account manager skillfully bridges the gap between the customer and our team of experts, guaranteeing that the project delivers the highest quality.


  • How can a CRO help with large-scale production of therapeutic antibodies or proteins?

    Large-scale production poses unique challenges, such as maintaining product stability, scalability of the production process, and minimizing batch-to-batch variability. Additionally, ensuring the purification and characterization of the antibodies or proteins at this scale requires advanced technology and expertise. CROs specialize in providing this infrastructure, and Biointron has dedicated teams of scientists to ensure the production process runs smoothly, in addition to conducting quality control.

  • What industries and applications require large scale antibody production? 

    Large-scale antibody production is highly sought after due to the growing demand for antibodies in research, diagnostics, and therapeutics. Some of the key industries include:

    • Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology: For the discovery and development of therapeutic antibodies to treat various diseases including cancer, autoimmune disorders, and infectious diseases.
    • Biomedical Research: For academic and commercial research laboratories to study cellular processes, identify biomarkers, validate drug targets, and understand disease mechanisms.
    • Diagnostics: For the development of diagnostic tests such as ELISA, Western blotting, flow cytometry, and immunohistochemistry, to detect specific biomolecules or diseases.
    • Vaccine Development: For producing monoclonal antibodies that can neutralize pathogens, aiding in the development of effective vaccines against various diseases.
  • How has large-scale production developed?

    Because of the clinical and commercial success of antibodies, there was a rapid expansion of global manufacturing capacity and an increase in the size of reactors to 20,000 liters. The productivity of cell cultures alone has improved over 100-fold in the last 30 years.2


  • National Research Council (US) Committee on Methods of Producing Monoclonal Antibodies. (1999). 5, Large-Scale Production of Monoclonal Antibodies. Monoclonal Antibody Production. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US). Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK100189/
  • Birch, J. R., & Racher, A. J. (2006). Antibody production. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 58(5-6), 671-685. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addr.2005.12.006

Committed to Top-Quality Products

We are deeply committed to delivering top-quality products that surpass customer expectations. With every product we offer, we promise to provide unmatched quality, reliability, and satisfaction to our valued customers. Your trust in our brand fuels our passion for continuous improvement, ensuring that we consistently deliver nothing but the best.


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